If I was just getting started in business right now this is what I would do...​​​​​​​​​ PART TWO

In the last post, I shared what I would do if I were just starting out in business. Today, I want to talk about something that can make or break your success, and that is clearing out cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is that pesky fight between your unconscious belief system and your conscious desires. It's that feeling you get when you know you're taking action towards your goals, but somehow, the results just aren't showing up.

The good news? The space between cognitive dissonance and achieving your desires is more straightforward than you may think.

The first step is creating awareness of your unconscious beliefs. This is the key to understanding why you're not achieving what you want in your business.

Asking yourself questions like "Why do I believe this thing?" is a great way to start. It may take some time for your unconscious mind to process and unearth the root belief, but trust me, it's worth it.

Sometimes, you might need the guidance of a conscious coach to help you identify the core belief that is holding you back.

Once you can see the belief that is keeping you from achieving your desires, it's time to replace it with a belief that is in harmony with what you truly want.

Remember, the power to create the results you desire lies within you. It's up to you to clear out any cognitive dissonance that stands in your way.

If you need help making the unconscious conscious, come join us inside the Unconscious Upgrade. Let's move you from cognitive dissonance to clarity and magnetism! Together, we can unlock your full potential and create the business and life you deserve! Join us now with code “aligned” for 25% off your on demand workshop!


Stop doing these 3 things in your business right now.


Holding Space